Alberta : Sixty-four additional cases of COVID-19


Alberta : Sixty-four additional cases of COVID-19


Mar. 31, 2020

Global Korean Post


Sixty-four additional cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed, bringing the total number of cases in the province to 754. There is one additional death in the Calgary zone.


  • Cases have been identified in all zones across the province:
    • 453 cases in the Calgary zone
    • 187 cases in the Edmonton zone
    • 51 cases in the Central zone
    • 50 cases in the North zone
    • 12 cases in the South zone
    • One case in a zone that is yet to be confirmed
  • Of these cases, there are currently 26 people in hospital, with 11 admitted to intensive care units (ICU).
  • In total, there have been 49 hospitalizations, with 17 admissions to ICUs.
  • Seventy-five of the 754 cases are suspected of being community acquired.
  • Seventy-seven confirmed cases involve health-care workers, including staff in continuing care facilities. We continue to refine reporting for health-care worker cases.
  • There are now a total of 120 confirmed recovered cases.
  • There are a total of nine deaths in Alberta – five in the Calgary zone, three in the Edmonton zone, and one in the North zone.
  • Alberta Health is tracking outbreaks in the following facilities. Updates on confirmed case numbers will be provided in the April 1 update:
    • Calgary zone: McKenzie Towne Long Term Care and Carewest Glenmore Park centre
    • Edmonton zone: Shepherd’s Care Kensington


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