비치-이스트욕 후보 ‘매 제이 남’, 본보에 밝히다


비치-이스트욕 후보 ‘매 제이 남’, 본보에 밝히다

Oct. 4, 2019

글로벌 코리언 포스트


본보는 이번 연방총선에 나서는 한인 후보들에게 각자의 공약에 대해 전달해달라고 부탁했는데 NDP당의 비치-이스트욕 후보로 나선 매 제이 남 씨가 답변을 보내왔다.

매 제이 남(Mae J Nam) 씨는 이번 선거에 나선데에는 많은 이민자들처럼 자신의 부모도 생계 유지를 위해 고생하시는 것을 보았고 자신도 학자금 대출금이 쌓여 식품점에서 캐시어로 일하기도 했고 푸드뱅크에서 식료품을 타는 등 고충을 겪었고 또 한 이민자들이 무보수로 일하고 모욕을 당하는 것을 보면서 현재 노동인권변호사로서 이번 선거전에 나서게 되었다고 밝혔다.

본보의 요청에 따라 그녀가 밝힌 내용은 아래와 같다.

“I am running for the NDP to be an MP in the Beaches-East York riding. I’m running for office because I’m willing to do whatever it takes to improve peoples’ lives. Growing up I watched my parents struggle to get by, they worked long hours in our small business to make ends meet. My dream was to get the education my parents never got. I put myself through school by taking out massive student loans, working as a grocery store cashier and using the food bank. After my studies, I co-founded a community centre that helped migrant workers claim unpaid wages and leave abusive workplaces. Today I live in Beaches East York and I work as a labour and human rights lawyer – where I fight for people who have been bullied and harassed at work.


My family’s story is familiar to a lot of Canadians. Today, more people are struggling to pay for basics like housing, food and childcare. And in the midst of all this – we must tackle our biggest challenge yet with the Climate Crisis. That’s because Liberal and Conservative governments have neglected their needs, instead preferring to make life easier for the wealthiest among us. Families in Beaches–East York deserve better. They deserve a government and a local representative that will fight for the things that will measurably improve their quality of life.


I’m proud to be running for a party that is committed to addressing the housing affordability crisis, making sure no one has to go without the medication they need, and tackling the climate emergency. As part of our New Deal for People, the NDP is pledging to: deliver 500,000 units of quality affordable housing and provide a rental benefit of up to $5,000 per year for those who need it most; expand health care to include dental care and pharmacare; and take concrete actions — like electrifying transit and retrofitting buildings — to meet ambitious targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The NDP also has a plan to make it easier for young families to find quality, affordable child care with an investment of $10 billion in the next 4 years to create 500,000 new affordable child-care spaces in Canada. These are just a few important ways that the NDP would confront the climate emergency and help make life more affordable for families in Beaches–East York.”


글로벌코리언포스트| GK

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